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Many cottagers are unaware that technology is available that can eliminate the dreaded task of hauling jugs of water back and forth to the lake. With some careful analysis and proper treatment, your lake can provide an abundant source for safe, clear GREAT TASTING drinking water.

Hesitant to consider your lake as drinking water?

Well, if you live in Peterborough or Toronto, you’re already drinking treated lake water. With an assortment of water treatment solutions available, your lake may represent a very safe, abundant source for all your drinking water needs.

There are two sources of drinking water – wells and surface supply.

Cottage country in the Kawartha’s is characterized by Canadian Shield rock which means expensive drilled wells. Wells in rock can expose many different minerals that may require treatment and you’re never guaranteed how much water a drilled well will produce. Your lake, on the other hand, offers an abundant water supply that can be tested and treated accordingly, making it a sure bet for your drinking water needs. A reputable water treatment company will have experience with treating your lake water – At North Durham EcoWater, we’ve been installing water treatment systems throughout the Kawartha’s since 1979.

It’s important to realize that water conditions can vary from one cottage to the next.

As an example, water drawn from shallow frontage may contain more organic materials that can discolour water. Leaves and organic materials decompose creating tannins, which cause water to look murky or discoloured, and have a bitter taste. This condition can be treated with filters that may not be required for water coming from deeper lake sources. Water conditions can also change seasonally as levels and temperatures fluctuate. Even windy days and boat traffic can impact your water supply, stirring up silt and debris. Again, an experienced water treatment company will be able to help you make the right decisions for your cottage needs. While in the past, some cottages used ‘point of use’ single faucet treatment, today, most systems are referred to as ‘point of entry’ or whole-house systems and offer the convenience of automatic operation.

Typically, your cottage water treatment system should consist of a filter (or series of filters) followed by treatment equipment, which could be Chlorination or Ultra Violet (also known as UV treatment).

Several options are also available to really perfect or ‘polish’ the water you consume like Carbon Filtration or Reverse Osmosis. Each system has its unique benefits with some requiring more maintenance than others. A good water treatment company will be able to properly test your water conditions, listen to your needs, suggest possible solutions, and explain the benefits of each.

Most importantly, while water treatment is more affordable than most people realize, be sure to consider installation expertise and maintenance. Every system will require routine maintenance, and many cottagers have systems installed by local plumbers who are not able to provide proper water analysis and on-going maintenance. Be sure to ask if they provide warranties and maintain systems.

  • Will they come to your cottage to test your water?
  • Do they offer winterization services?
  • What equipment manufacturers do they represent?
  • What is the warranty and who stands behind the warranty?

As with any investment, asking the right questions before purchasing can eliminate a lot of potential problems down the road.

At North Durham EcoWater, cottagers are a big part of our business.

We offer full onsite services including water testing, installation, warranty, and services like winterizing seasonal installations for cottagers throughout the Kawartha’s.…and we even do island cottages. We are consistently recognized as the Top Canadian EcoWater Dealer and one of the Top 10 dealers worldwide. EcoWater is the world’s largest and oldest water treatment equipment manufacturer, and stands behind their ecologically minded products 100%!

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